Alkaline concert cancelled at last minute due to violence fears

Police step in over controversial dancehall performer concert in Sparkhill
Fans of reggae star Alkaline were left disappointed after he was forced to pull a concert following “security concerns.”
Alkaline was booked to play the second date of his UK tour at the Piccadilly Banqueting Studios, off Stratford Road, in Sparkhill on Friday.
His first show of his New level Unlocked tour, in Luton on June 3, was also cancelled after Bedfordshire police raised security concerns.
Hours before the start, West Midlands Police announced on social media that the concert would not be going ahead following a meeting between the police, the promoter, and venue, earlier in the day.
A West Midlands Police spokesman said: “Last night’s event at the Piccadilly Banqueting Suite was cancelled following a meeting between West Midlands Police, the promoter and the venue on Friday afternoon, this followed close working between all three parties from the initial planning stage.
“At the request of West Midlands Police , it was agreed the event should not go ahead due to specific and credible information received by police, which raised concerns for public safety.
“It is regrettable that this event had to be cancelled, however the safety of those attending and the local community has to be West Midlands Police’s first consideration.”
Alkaline’s first date at the Dunstable Leisure Center in Luton, was cancelled by Bedfordshire Police after they conducted a “risk assessment.”
Bedforshire Police said in a statement to Alkaline News that they “advised the venue of intelligence surrounding the risk of crime and disorder at the event, and requested that the event be withdrawn.”
Days before the show, Alkaline, 20, from Jamaica, posted a message on his Facebook site telling his Birmingham fans to get ready for his show. According to his Facebook page, the dancehall artist says his music “represents everything that society is afraid of and society represents everything that he is afraid of.”
Alkaine is still scheduled to play in Bradford on Saturday followed by further dates in London, Oxford and Bristol, when the tour ends on June 18.